Ceramic Sector Figures

Brazil is one of the main players in the world market for ceramic tiles. It occupies the 3rd position in production and consumption in the world, in addition to being the 6th in the ranking of exports.


3rd largest producer in the world
3rd largest consumer worldwide
6th largest exporter in the world
2nd largest consumer of natural gas
80 plants and 137 brands
50,000 direct jobs
200,000 indirectjobs
6% of the construction material industry'sGDP

Internal Market

Brazilian Production of Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic Tile Sales
Evolution of production capacity
Types of products manufactured
Brazilian Exports of Ceramic Tiles

External market

World's Leading Producers
Main consumers worldwide
World's leading exporters

Sanitary ware

Brazil is currently among the world's five largest producers of vitreous chinaware for kitchens and bathrooms, with 26 medium to large manufacturing plants in eight states.

The ceramic sanitary ware segment

This segment is part of the Transformation Industry's non-metallic mineral products branch and its production specialization is the manufacture of basins, water tanks, bidets, washbasins, columns, urinals, washing tanks and accessories. The current production is 22 million pieces. The energy matrix of the sanitary ware industry is essentially based on natural gas. The sector also generates some 7,000 direct jobs.

Distribution of the sanitary porcelain market

Sectoral Project
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