Anfacer Portfolio 2019

From where we stand, we may think that the spaces are all defined. There are already those that have established themselves by the force of tradition. Those that are consolidated by their school of design. Those recognised for their quality. And those that stand out for their delivery on scale. Where would Brazil stand in this almost impermeable scenario?

Original from Brazil.
Made for everyone.

For decades, the domestic market has delivered efficiency and technology. But, truth be told, Brazil does not have its own force capable of bringing more value and making national ceramics stand out in the world. It has two.

Brazil is a power of nature. It has within itself the greatest source of intelligence and inspiration for design on the planet. The most impressive textures. The most incredible designs. The most dazzling colour combinations. And that's not all. Brazil is the owner of a multicultural creative energy, which enchants and surprises. Brazilians have this capacity to be open to all influences, to mix and transform. And then give it back to the world in a new, rich and unique way.

This is how Brazilian ceramics can define its space. And, why not, dare to reposition the tectonic plates in the world of ceramics. Uniting the inspiration of the richest nature with the freshness of the freest creativity. There is nothing more Brazilian. And there is nothing the world desires more.

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